FWT Magazine Issue Six: Winter 2016/2017

Welcome to FWT Magazine Issue Six. It gives us great pleasure to bring you another issue, this one themed World Cuisine.

In FWT Magazine Issue Six, we skip around the planet, pausing here and there to sample each local cuisine and, in doing so, we meet the people.

First, we start off in one of the editor’s favorite home towns, learning how ‘international’ one small corner of the earth can be. Then, some sage advice about how to stay fit while enjoying the food this world has to offer. Plus, who wants to travel to all these places without knowing how to pair wine with the abundance of food on the planet.

Then, we’re off for a foodie adventure in Mexico’s Puerto Vallarta. Jumping over to the other side of the continent, we explore the Caribbean, European and African culinary influence of Dominica; next, a long hop to Kanazawa Japan to sample some of that country’s best cuisine.

Then, it’s onward for a Swiss train adventure and sampling the Interlaken cuisine, followed by Italy for fun learning to cook in Bologna. While in that country, we’ll see about saving the ancient olive trees of Puglia, then hit the high seas for epicurean-inspired world voyages.

After a stop in London for bacon sandwiches and more, we enjoy shopping, and cooking and feasting in the Jordanian desert, then it’s on to South Africa for a culinary retreat. Whew, tired yet? Full? Okay, one more. We set sail across the Mediterranean (and eat more!).

I hope you enjoy this journey, please let us know what you think of FWT Magazine Issue Six!

John Lamkin,
Executive Editor

FWT Magazine Issue Six